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ITTPC Certification Requirements
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ITTPC Certification Requirements

CRLA’s International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) is proud to serve as a benchmark and standard for excellent college tutor training programs around the globe.

ITTPC certifies tutor training programs directly affiliated with an institution of higher education for:

  • Peer Tutors
  • Embedded Tutors
  • Volunteer Tutors
  • Writing or Speech Consultants
  • and related programs
Note: If you are interested in certifying a training program for peer educators (mentors, coaches, Supplemental Instruction leaders, etc.), please refer to the CRLA guidelines for  IPTPC (International Peer Educator Training Program Certification).


ITTPC offers three levels of certification, which reflect the depth of the training the tutor receives.

  • Level 1 is for programs who are training their tutors in the basics of being a tutor.
  • Level 2 is contingent on the program maintaining Level 1 training certification, and focuses on metacognitive and psychosocial requirements for tutoring.
  • Level 3 is contingent on the program maintaining Level 1 and 2 training certifications, and focuses on a more holistic view of learning center management and student development theories

Programs may be certified at just Level 1, or may seek to add depth to their training program by adding additional levels of training. Please note that the levels are sequential— additional levels are predicated on having met and maintained certification at the previous level(s).


General Requirements

There are four main requirements that tutor training programs must demonstrate

  1. Sound hiring and selection practices, ensuring you have content-knowledgeable trainees ready to take on the responsibility of tutoring.
  2. Planned training experience, which includes a minimum of 10 hours per level and uses a minimum number of our required training topics.
  3. Tutoring experience directly with students for a minimum of 25 hours per level.
  4. Regular evaluation by a knowledgeable and experienced evaluator.

The following will be an overview of each of the four requirements, followed by level-specific details.

Tutor Selection and/or Hiring

Programs that want to have the most-meaningful impact on student learning and retention need to make sure that new peer tutors have a clear and thorough understanding of the course content they wish to tutor. The job of the tutor training program is to train and develop the tutor as a tutor, not as a content specialist, student, or employee.

To that end, there are three branches of this requirement that a program must demonstrate: hiring/selection standards, recommendations, and the interview process.

  • The program must verify the tutor candidate has earned a minimum of A or B in the content area to be tutored (or justified equivalent experience-- see note below).
  • The program must receive a recommendation for the selected tutor candidate from a content expert-- for example, a former instructor, department chair, university supervisor, etc.-- someone who can speak to the candidate’s content expertise and ability to communicate in the content area.
  • The program must interview the candidates. During the interview, the essential functions of the job should be described.


Notes about the selection process:

Equivalent Experience

The ITTPC allows programs to accept “equivalent experience” in lieu of a documented grade of A or B (for example, work experience, similar course content/overlap, results from tests/assessments, etc.). However, the program must explain how they judge whether an applicant has the content knowledge equivalent to an A or B grade in the course.


The goal of the recommendation is to gather information on whether the tutor-candidate has the temperament to tutor effectively, while also increasing faculty buy-in. That recommendation can be received in a variety of ways (for example, a formal or informal letter, via email, online or paper-based form submitted by the recommender, or even a phone call tracked via a phone log). Ultimately, it is up to the tutorial program to decide the depth and content of the recommendation, and from whom it will be accepted.

Interview Process

Program seeking certification need to interview their tutor candidates. During the interview, the applicant should have the essential functions of the job explained clearly, in addition to whatever questions are appropriate to your process and program. The interview does not have to be in any particular format. Here are some ideas that a program could use to satisfy this requirement:

  1. Individual applicant interviews with the tutor supervisor and/or tutor trainer.
  2. Group applicant interviews with the tutor supervisor and/or tutor trainer.
  3. Individual or group applicant interviews with the tutor supervisor and a panel of current/former tutors observing.
  4. Individual or group applicant interviews with the tutor supervisor and a faculty member from the content area.


The general requirements for training are as follows:

  1. The training program must include at least 10 hours of training per level.
    1. Training may be offered as a series of meetings, a set of workshops, a 2-day retreat, or a for-credit or not-for-credit course, or any combination.
    2. Training may be completed entirely face-to-face, online, or a combination, as long as the other requirements below are met.
  2. Five (5) hours at each level must be Tutor-Trainer Led, Interactive, and Synchronous (TIS):
    1. TIS training can include: workshops, seminars, courses, online real-time discussions, real-time virtual environments, web-conferencing calls, etc.
    2. The remaining time may also be TIS, or can involve videotapes, DVDs, readings, conferences, webquests, podcasts, scavenger hunts, special tutor projects, blogs/wikis, etc.
    3. Each level must cover at least 10 CRLA-required topics (for at least 30 minutes per topic). Topic lists are provided below for each level.
  3. Tutor training programs will have set standards, outcomes, and assessments for training. For further guidance, review CRLA International Tutor Training Program Certification Standards, Outcomes and Assessments, with Expanded Guidance for Designing and Implementing Tutor Training (2nd Ed).

Tutor Training programs must document their tutors’ training attendance, including the amount of time spent on each topic, and any time spent on non-TIS work toward the minimum 10 hours per level.

Note: How the training program calculates TIS vs non-TIS time depends on how your particular activities are structured. For example, if you include a 10-minute video in your hour-long training session, and preface it with specific instructions, key points to pay attention to, etc., and subsequently discuss the video, the ten minutes would count as part of your TIS time because it is trainer-led, interactive, and synchronous. However, if you have tutors to watch a 10-minute video during the training session but do not preface or discuss it in any way, that does not count as TIS time, because the “trainer-led” component is missing-- the distinguishing factor is the trainer’s level of involvement in the activity of training.


Application Documentation for Training Requirement:

  • A detailed training schedule, series of agendas and/or syllabus which clearly shows how the training program is laid out over time, including which sessions/classes cover which topics, for how long, and what training methodologies and materials are used.
  • One to two sample training session materials (depending on level), to include:
    • A detailed lesson or session plan, which explains how the trainer moves the trainees through the learning process
    • Any materials used during the selected sample training session(s), including PowerPoints, handouts
    • The standards, outcomes, and assessments that undergird the sample session(s).
    • A brief annotated bibliography which highlights the theoretical and/or practical source material used in the development and implementation of the session(s) selected for your sample(s).
      • The annotation should include a short description of each item as well as how the item is used in training, or was used in developing training
      • CRLA ITTPC does not require any particular bibliographic formatting, as long as the documentation is clearly organized and explained.

Tutoring Experience

In addition to hiring criteria and a well-designed training system, ITTPC-certified programs also track tutors' direct service to students as part of the trainee's development process. At each level of training, the tutor must earn a minimum of 25 hours of direct tutoring experience.

The program is required to track the number of hours each tutor spends with students at each level of certification. Tutoring experience hours should NOT include front desk coverage, Supplemental Instruction sessions, or time spent planning to work with students. Timesheets alone are not sufficient tracking documentation.

Required Documentation for Tutoring Experience:

Applicants will be asked to submit:

  • Experience tracking log for at least one tutor, covering at least 2 weeks, dated within the last year. This demonstrates how you collect the data.
  • Experience aggregation/reporting for at least one tutor, covering at least 2 weeks, dated within the last year. This demonstrates how you count the hours over time.

Tutor Evaluation Criteria

At each level of training, the tutor training program must evaluate its tutors' progress in becoming better tutors. CRLA ITTPC requires:

  1. A formal or informal evaluation process be in place.
  2. The process occurs on a regular basis.
  3. The evaluation is specific to each tutor.
  4. The results of the evaluation are known to the tutor.

Additionally, we recommend that the tutor evaluation mirror the goals of the tutor training program, and include a review by a person knowledgeable in the training goals (i.e., a trainer, supervisor, or other designated, trained evaluator).

Copyright Requirement

Programs are required to maintain copyright compliance for works held under copyright protections. Copyrighted items may include textbooks, articles, videos, photographs, handouts, and any other similar fixed media, that is not clearly designated as works of Creative Commons, in the Public Domain, or otherwise specifically cited as free from copyright.

Programs are asked to select which strategies they use to make sure they maintain copyright compliance. These strategies may include fair-use, creative commons designations, or permissions from the content creator or copyright holder.


Level-Specific Requirements

Level 1

Selection: Grade of A/B verified, Recommendation on file, Interview.

Training: A minimum of 10 hours (at least 5 TIS), and 10 topics (selected from the chart below)

Experience: At least one evaluation during the Level 1 training period.


  • Overview/syllabus for entire Level 1 training curriculum,
  • Material from two sample training sessions,
  • A log that documents tutors’ completion of training hours and topics (last names and ID numbers redacted),
  • A log that documents at least 25 hours of actual tutoring experience per tutor (last names and ID numbers redacted), and
  • At least one sample trainee evaluation (last names and ID numbers redacted).


Level 1 topics:

Select at least:
  • Administrative Policies, Record Keeping and Reporting*
  • Conducting a Successful Session
  • Role of the Tutor
  • Tutoring Do’s and Don'ts
  • Active Listening and Responding*
  • Communication Styles*
  • Question Asking Strategies
  • Tutoring Conversations
Learning or Studying
  • Advanced Study Skills*
  • Course and Syllabus Analysis*
  • Goal Setting and Planning*
  • Learning Theories in Academic Support Services*
  • Time Management for Tutors and Tutees*
  • Use of Graphic Organizers*
Ethics and Equity
  • Compliance with the Privacy Act (FERPA)*
  • Professional Ethics (Academic Integrity and Academic Honesty, Copyright Compliance, Plagiarism)*
  • Title IX and/or Sexual Harassment*
  • Institutional Policies and Procedures*
  • Modeling Problem Solving*
  • Practical Applications of Contemporary Research in the Field*
  • Substitution of One Topic from Level 2 or 3
  • Other Topic based on Institutional and/or Programmatic Need


NOTE: Starred items are sessions that all tutors (ITTPC) and peer educators (IPTPC) from the same institution can attend together and earn hours towards training requirements.


Level 2

Selection Program verifies that trainee completed all requirements at Level 1.

Training: A minimum of 10 additional hours (5+ TIS) and 10 additional topics (selected from the chart below).

Experience: At least 25 additional hours of actual tutoring experience beyond any experience gained at Level 1.

Evaluation: At least one evaluation during the Level 2 training period.


  • Overview/syllabus for entire Level 2 training curriculum,
  • Material from one sample Level 2 training session,
  • A log that documents tutors’ completion of training hours and topics (last names and ID numbers redacted),
  • A log that documents at least 25 hours of actual tutoring experience per tutor, beyond those completed at Level 1 (last names and ID numbers redacted), and
  • At least one sample trainee evaluation (last names and ID numbers redacted).


Level 2 topics:

Select at least:
Review + 2
  • Review of Level 1 topics (required)
  • Challenging Job Situations
  • Establishing Boundaries
  • Motivational Techniques
  • Tutoring in Subject Areas and/or Specific Skills
  • Use of Probing Questions*
  • Giving Constructive Feedback
  • Intercultural Communication*
  • Role Modeling
  • Team Building
  • Working with Faculty/Staff*
  • Working with Specific Populations*
Learning or Studying
  • Assessing and/or Changing Study Behaviors
  • Assessing Tutee’s Needs
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Memory and Retrieval*
  • Note Taking in the Disciplines*
  • Stress Management*
Ethics and Equity
  • Gender Identity*
  • Leveraging Student Information for Academic Progress*
  • Race, Class, and Privilege*
  • Universal Design for Learning*
  • Using Self Assessment Tools*
  • Practical Applications of Contemporary Research in the Field
  • Understanding Neurodiversity in the College Setting*
  • Substitution of One Topic from Level 1 or 3
  • Other Topic based on Institutional and/or Programmatic Need


NOTE: Starred items are sessions that all tutors (ITTPC) and peer educators (IPTPC) from the same institution can attend together and earn hours towards training requirements.


Level 3

Selection: program verifies trainee has completed all requirements at Levels 1 and 2.

Training: At least 10 additional hours beyond Level 2 (at least 5 TIS) and 10 additional topics (selected from the chart below).

Experience: At least 25 additional hours of experience beyond experience gained at Levels 1 and 2.

Evaluation: At least one evaluation during the Level 3 training period.


  • Overview/syllabus for entire Level 3 training curriculum,
  • Material from one sample training session,
  • A log that documents tutors’ completion of training hours and topics (last names and ID numbers redacted),
  • A log that documents at least 25 hours of actual tutoring experience per tutor (last names and ID numbers redacted) beyond those hours completed at levels 1 and 2, and
  • At least one sample trainee evaluation (last names and ID numbers redacted).


Level 3 topics:

Select at least:
Review + 2
  • Review of Level 1 and Level 2 Topics (required)
  • Assertiveness
  • Helping Guidelines
  • Practical Applications of Contemporary Research in the Field
  • Programmatic Needs Assessment*
  • The Role of Tutoring and Learning Centers in Higher Education
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Group Management Skills
  • Professional Communication*
  • Public Speaking*
  • Training and Supervising Other Tutors (Supervisory Skills)
Learning or Studying
  • Active Learning Strategies
  • Cognitive Scaffolding
  • Self-Regulated Learning
Ethics and Equity
  • Implicit Bias*
  • Operating a Learning Center*
  • Transition from Student Worker to College Employee
  • Cognitive Learning Strategies*
  • Conferencing Skills
  • Leadership Styles for Tutors
  • Substitution of One Topic From Level 1 or 2
  • Other Topic Based on Institutional and/or Programmatic Need


NOTE: Starred items are sessions that all tutors (ITTPC) and peer educators (IPTPC) from the same institution can attend together and earn hours towards training requirements.


If you have any questions about CRLA ITTPC requirements for certification, contact


Note: If you have any problems accessing or completing the application, please contact the CRLA Certifications Administrator, at

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filling out an application?

Continue where you left off or access an application you’ve already submitted.

Finish / Access Your Application

New Certifications

For training programs that are not currently certified, or programs that are adding a new element (e.g., program, campus, level) to a currently-certified program.

Once approved, the program certificate is valid for two years, and then will need to be renewed prior to expiration.

Is this the right application for you?

Are you applying to certify your program for the first time, or applying after a lapse in certification?

Are you seeking to add a level, a program, or an additional campus?

If either is YES, then use the below application form.

Start A NEW Application

Renewal Certifications

For programs that want to continue certification. Once approved, this Certification is valid for four years and must be renewed every four years thereafter.

Is this the right application for you?

Are you applying for a renewal of an existing certified program?

Are you seeking certification with the same levels, programs, and campuses as your previous application?

If both are YES, then use the below application form.

Start A RENEWAL Application

ITTPC Fee and Payment Options

Both the application and associated fee must be submitted before your application is posted for review. Payment of ITTPC application fees should be made via credit card, money order, or check. CRLA does not accept Purchase Orders (POs).

When you submit your application, you will be directed to the invoice and payment screen automatically.


Make arrangements to pre-pay for your certification by contacting CRLA Certification Administrator, Deanna Wroblewski,, 414-908-4961 ext. 107. This will guarantee that your payment is applied correctly to your application once it is submitted.

For concerns or questions about payment, please contact


Your Business Office may require a copy of our W-9 to list CRLA as a vendor. If so, print and submit the W-9 form.

Download the CRLA W-9 Form


Application Fees

CRLA Member Application Fee Schedule

For New and Renewal Applications effective January 1, 2024

Application Stage Program or Campus Additional Program or Campus
Level 1 $450 $100 per addition
Levels 1 & 2 $650 $100 per addition
Levels 1, 2, & 3 $850 $100 per addition

Non CRLA Member Application Fee Schedule

For New and Renewal Applications effective January 1, 2024

Application Stage Program or Campus Additional Program or Campus
Level 1 $650 $150 per addition
Levels 1 & 2 $850 $150 per addition
Levels 1, 2, & 3 $1050 $150 per addition

Begin enjoying the benefits of CRLA Membership today! Become a CRLA Member HERE

Both the application and associated fee must be submitted before your application is posted for review. Payment of ITTPC application fees should be made via credit card, money order, or check. If your institution requires a Purchase Order (POs), please contact the CRLA office at

When you submit your application, you will be directed to the invoice and payment screen automatically.

Application Fee Schedule (through December 31, 2023:

Application Stage Single Program or Campus Additional Program or Campus
Level 1 $150 $50 per addition
Levels 1 & 2 $250 $100 per addition
Levels 1, 2, & 3 $350 $150 per addition

Fee for late applications:

Applications for Renewal of Certification which are submitted after their deadline will incur a $100 late application fee to renew, for an extension up to six months (180 days) past the date of their previous certification expiration.

Applications submitted after a lapse greater than 6 months (181+ days) will be required to complete an Application for New Certification.


NOTE about the multiple campus/multiple program option:

All of the campuses and/or programs on the one certificate must meet the same approved criteria for all four components (tutor selection, tutor training, tutoring experience, and tutor evaluation).

For additional clarification on multiple programs or campuses under one certificate, see the relevant question in our FAQs tab or contact the ITTPC Coordinator (contact information available under the “Contact” tab).

CRLA ITTPC Contact Information

NOTE: if you need to change your program contact information, you can do so by completing the Program Update Form.


ITTPC Coordinator

Shawn O'Neil

The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC

Shawn O Neil

Shawn O’Neil is the Assistant Director for Academic Excellence at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he and the other staff at the Academic Achievement Center manage a large and dynamic center, offering small-group and individual tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic coaching and test proctoring. He has been involved in CRLA's International Tutor Training Program Certification at every level — as a tutor, tutor-trainer, tutor coordinator, ITTPC reviewer, and ITTPC associate coordinator. Currently he serves CRLA as its ITTPC Coordinator. He has a Masters degree in Education with a focus on ESL from UNC Greensboro, and a second Masters in Training and Development from North Carolina State University.

ITTPC Assistant Coordinator

Cheryl Capuchina

North Central Texas College

Cheryl Capuchina

Cheryl Capuchina has more than 15 years in experience in higher education. She earned her BAAS and M.Ed. from the University of North Texas. All of her higher education experience has been with North Central Texas College where she currently works as Student Services Advisor in the Student Success Center. In her role, she leads the peer and professional tutoring programs and oversees the CRLA training and certification of those programs. The tutoring programs at NCTC have been certified for many years which lead Cheryl to want to volunteer with CRLA. She has been an ITTPC Application Reviewer for over five years. In her free time, Cheryl likes to spend time with her grandchildren, doggies, and playing games on the Switch.


ITTPC Reviewers

Cheryl Capuchina North Central Texas College
Jenny Crones Heartland Community College
Rob Dawson, Jr. Florida Gateway College
Michelle Galey Eastern Washington University
Amber Gordon University of New Mexico
Abdollah Hajikandi Buffalo State College
Keira Hambrick The Ohio State University
Kristy Hare Stony Brook University
Jojo Jacobson Wentworth Institute of Technology
Samantha Trumble Syracuse University
J. Juechter Bronx Community College
Kevin Knudsen George Washington University
Jarrett Lykins Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Marie Maguire-Cook Rogue Community College
Howard Masuda California State University, LA (retired)
Sheri McIntyre Linn-Benton Community College
Shawn O'Neil UNC Greensboro
Cecillie Reid Boston College
Kirk Skogland University of Kansas
Amy Spencer Ohio Dominican University
Olga Thurman El Paso Community College
Penny Turrentine Pima Community College
Jen Welsh University of New England
Valerie Wrenn University of Pennsylvania
Cathy Young Heritage College, Gatineau

ITTPC Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

ITTPC certifies tutor training programs and authorizes tutor training programs to recognize tutors who have met their institution's CRLA ITTPC tutor training program requirements. We do not certify tutors or tutor-trainers.


Once an application is approved, CRLA will send an email to each contact person listed on the application. The email will contain a letter of congratulations; a certificate for your program listing the levels approved and the dates of approval; a template file for you to use to provide recognition for tutors who complete your program at each level; and a sample press release to use at your discretion.

No, there are no deadlines to apply. However, there are deadlines to renew.

Initial certification lasts for two years, followed by renewal, which is every four years thereafter. Certification is an ongoing process with renewal scheduled on a regular basis.

No. However, we encourage you to become a member of CRLA.

CRLA membership has many advantages, including regular newsletters, discounted conference and Summer Institute registration, access to Taylor & Francis publications such as the JCRL (Journal of College Reading and Learning), professional networking and leadership opportunities through the Special Interest Groups and State/Region/Chapter meetings and events.

Yes, CRLA provides many opportunities to learn about certification through intensive half-day pre-conference sessions, concurrent sessions at annual, local and regional conferences, and a multi-day training on tutor training development and implementation at the CRLA Summer Institute.

Attending training is not a requirement for certification, however it is highly recommended and consistently lauded as a valuable professional development experience for the Learning Assistance community.

Additionally, the CRLA ITTPC Standards, Outcomes, and Assessments, with Expanded Guidance for Developing and Implementing Tutor Training Programs (2nd Ed) is written in support of CRLA certification and provides a clear path toward successful development of your program and completion of your certification application. It is a “must-read” for anyone interested in certifying a tutor training program.

No. However CRLA’s International Peer Educator Training Program Certification (IPTPC) does certify SI leader training programs (as well as mentor, coach and classroom leader training programs) and in many ways parallels ITTPC requirements. Information on IPTPC is available under the Certifications menu.

Yes! Compliance with copyright law is expected of all certified ITTPC programs. It is your legal and ethical responsibility to give authorship credit for all materials used for tutor training, and to only distribute copyrighted material in a way congruent with copyright law. ITTPC programs found to be in violation of copyright law may lose certification.

If you have any questions about how to best comply with copyright, we encourage you to seek the expertise of a campus librarian or copyright compliance officer.

The certification approval email contains your recognition template(s). If you cannot find your recognition template, send an email to requesting it. Include the name of your college or university in your request, as well as your ITTPC ID (if known).

International Tutor Appreciation Week (ITAW) is celebrated annually during the first full week in October. It is a celebration to let tutors know how much they are appreciated for all they do for students each year.

Appreciation Week also gives students, faculty, staff, and campus administration the opportunity to thank tutors.

Suggestions for ITAW:

  • Make posters announcing International Tutor Appreciation Week
  • Ask students to write notes to tutors they wish to thank
  • Invite faculty to thank the tutors for their departments
  • Promote ITAW through the center or department social media
  • Write personalized thank-you notes from the supervisor to each tutor
  • Ask university president, chancellor, or dean to write or record a special thanks to tutors



We recommend that all interested applicants review the ITTPC Standards, Outcomes, and Assessments, with Expanded Guidance for Developing and Implementing Tutor Training Programs (2nd Ed) publication, which outlines the requirements for certification and includes several handouts and checklists to help you with building a tutor training program as well as begin preparing your program for certification.

Although not required, we encourage you to take advantage of the following:

  • CRLA’s Annual Conference
  • State/regional/chapter (SRCs) CRLA conference sessions
  • CRLA Special Interest groups (SIGs)
  • The CRLA Summer Institute
  • Webinars (see LRNASST listserv)
  • Read the sample materials posted on this website
  • Contact certified programs in your area

Each program recognizes its tutors as they meet criteria set by CRLA guidelines. We suggest that each level take no longer than a semester for ease of scheduling and faster tutor development. However, the time frame for each level can be a year or more, depending on the training program, program volume, and institutional/program needs.

CRLA ITTPC certifies training programs (not plans for training programs), which necessitates the training having been designed and implemented prior to submitting the application. Therefore, CRLA considers the certification to be retroactive for up to one year from the date of the initial certification approval, as long as the tutors have met the requirements as outlined on the approved application.

Yes. Each CRLA ITTPC level requires 10 or more hours of training, with at least five hours of tutor-trainer-led, interactive, and synchronous (TIS) training. The remaining five hours at each level can be TIS, self-paced, or any combination of training modalities.

Because tutoring involves an interactive exchange between tutor and student, CRLA believes the training should also be interactive and involve the exchange of information and feedback between tutor and supervisor.

No. A tutor does not need to renew their credentials. The certificate they receive recognizes them for the work they have done in completing training at a CRLA-certified tutor training program. However, we support continual learning-- including formal and informal learning opportunities-- for all tutors, even those who have already completed training.

It is up to the new training supervisor to make this determination. The new supervisor should consider if the tutor-candidate has an understanding of the topics important to the program, comparable to other tutors who have completed that level of training. Additional training topics or sessions may be required.

CRLA ITTPC offers “multi-program” certificates for situations like this question describes. In order to qualify for a multi-program certificate, the programs involved need to meet the four criteria for certification (selection, training, experience, evaluation) in the same way. The programs do not have to be in the same physical location at your institution (but do need to be at the same institution).

While there can be variation in training modalities or paperwork, CRLA ITTPC expects that programs under a single certificate collaborate on their training design and deliver comparable training including the same ITTPC topics for their training (even if not all-- or any-- training sessions are done together). Otherwise, we suggest the programs apply for certification separately.

NOTE: Programs who are certified under a single certificate are not required to train their tutors together. Programs can also vary in the types of training engagement (perhaps one program does a particular activity that the other does not), and they can choose to highlight different areas or strategies within the ITTPC topics they’ve selected. Here are two examples to highlight this difference:

  • The programs may have selected, “Tutoring in Subject Areas and/or Specific Skills” with one program focusing on strategies for mathematics tutors and another focusing on strategies for chemistry tutors.
  • The programs may have selected “Working with select populations” they may choose to highlight different populations based on their program needs).

For certification purposes, a program is run out of a single unit or office, has a unified goal or mission, and can articulate a clear hierarchy of leadership within a single unit or department.

The following examples will help you to identify whether you indicate “single-program” or “single-campus” on your application for certification.

  • Dr. Jones runs a tutoring program that is one of several unrelated programs at their institution. Dr. Jones applies for a single program, single campus certification, separate from any applications submitted by other programs at their institution.
  • Director Jenkins runs a tutoring program on the main campus of their institution, and sends trained tutors to a satellite campus to work with students there. Director Jenkins is responsible for all selection, training, experience, and evaluation of the tutors at main campus and the satellite campus. Director Jenkins applies for a single program, multi-campus certification.
  • Dr. Ruiz runs a tutoring program in collaboration with colleagues at the same institution. They have the same selection, training, experience, and evaluation processes as their collaborative colleagues. Dr. Azur and colleagues apply for a multi-program, single-campus certification.
  • Director Azur and their colleague Dr. Smith both run separate tutoring programs at the same institution. They collaborate on the tutor selection, training, experience, and evaluation components. Director Azur’s program exists on both main campus and two satellite campuses. Director Azur and Dr. Smith apply for a multi-program, multi-campus certification.
  • Dr. Li and Ms. Adkins both run tutoring programs at the same institution. While they collaborate on some elements of training, their selection criteria and evaluation metrics are completely different. As a result, Dr. Li and Ms. Adkins choose to apply for separate certifications-- one for each of their programs-- rather than aligning selection and evaluation.

As of 2021, certified ITTPC programs may add another tutorial program or satellite campus to their certificate at any time by completing an Application for New Certification (formerly “Stage One”), with information about all programs/campuses and the training that has been designed together.

Any time you are adding anything (level, program, or campus) to your certified program, you will complete the Application for New Certification.

NOTE: For certification purposes, a program is run out of a single unit or office, has a unified goal or mission, and can articulate a clear hierarchy of leadership within a single unit or department.

To add a level, a program must first design and implement the training for that level at least once. Then, with the documentation collected, the program will complete an Application for New Certification (formerly “stage one”), with both their currently-certified level information and the level they wish to add.

The most cost-effective way to do this is to wait until your program is up for renewal; however, you may add a level at any time. This process will make sure that your certification timelines always align, and that any changes you have made to your program as you added the new level are reflected accurately.

No. ITTPC and IPTPC are separate programs within CRLA and require two separate applications. For currently-certified ITTPC programs who wish to add mentor training certification, please see the Certification Requirements page for IPTPC.

Beginning in 2021, ITTPC- and IPTPC -certified programs at the same institution may choose to collaborate on the delivery of certain training topics (as indicated by a * on the topic list). However, each program needs to submit a separate certification application for either ITTPC and/or IPTPC.


Application Process

When you submit your ITTPC application, the CRLA Main Office first determines if the application and payment are in order. If there are any issues at this point in the process, the Certifications Administrator will reach out to the primary contact on the application via email or telephone to try to resolve the issue. The application is then posted internally, along with other applications waiting for review.

Most applications are reviewed within 4-6 months, depending on the time of year.

Any time you want to add a level (or additional campus or program) to your current training program, you will complete the Application for New Certification, including all of the current and all of the new level and/or program information. When approved, your training certification expiration dates will be set based on the most recent application completed.

To determine whether to submit the Application for New Certification, consider:

  • Are you applying to certify your program for the first time? Or applying after a lapse in certification?
  • Are you seeking to add a level, add a program, or add a campus?
    • If the answer to either question is YES, this is the application you should submit.

To determine whether to submit the Application for Renewal of Certification, consider:

  • Are you applying for a renewal of an existing certified program?
  • Are you seeking certification with the same levels, programs, and campuses as your previous application?
    • If the answer to both questions is YES, then this is the application you should submit.

CRLA ITTPC asks applicants to submit their Application for Renewal of Certification a few months before their expiration date, as a courtesy to the reviewer teams. However, programs officially have until the last date of their certification to submit for renewal.

If an applicant wishes to submit their Application for Renewal of Certification after their current certificate has expired, they may do so for up to six months (180 days) past the renewal date, which will incur a $100 late-application fee.

After a lapse of greater than six months (181+ days), programs will need to complete the Application for New Certification.


Fees and Payment

ITTPC accepts payment by credit cards and school or personal checks. CRLA is not able to accept Purchase Orders. CRLA's Federal ID# is #95-3177158. Click the button for Download the CRLA W-9 Form

Certification is an on-going process.

  • Certification for new programs, and programs adding new levels/programs/campuses is valid for two years.
  • Certification for programs seeking renewal with no additions is valid for four years.
  • In order to maintain certification after the first renewal, the program must continue to renew every four years.

No. A program is only authorized to recognize tutors as having met the ITTPC tutor training requirements during the dates listed on its program certificate.

Once a program is certified or re-certified, the primary contacts on the application will receive an email that includes the program certificate as an attachment (PDF), as well as the PowerPoint template for the tutor recognition certificate(s). Your Center’s certificate is valid for the dates indicated on the PDF.



ITTPC reviewers are a dedicated group of professionals working, or retired from, the field of Learning Assistance. These volunteers are current members of CRLA and have experience with creating and/or managing ITTPC-certified programs. See our “Contacts” page for a list of our current Certifications team.

In order to become a reviewer, you must be (or become) a current CRLA member and work with a certified ITTPC program (or have previous experience working with a certified ITTPC program). Reviewing is a valuable professional development opportunity and a great way to develop a network of colleagues involved in tutoring and tutor training programs.

If you would like to become a reviewer, please contact the ITTPC Coordinator for more information (contact information available in the tab labeled “Contact”).

Because CRLA certifies tutor training programs rather than individual tutors, a tutor needs to complete training through a post-secondary institution with a CRLA-approved ITTPC program in order to receive a recognition certificate. Interested tutors or tutor candidates should investigate employment and/or volunteer opportunities with a certified program.

Tutors should contact the program and institution who provided the certification. CRLA ITTPC does not collect or store records of which tutors have or have not completed CRLA-certified training programs.

No. Your program certificate is for your program to display as a certified ITTPC program and notes the certification dates for your program. It should not be modified or changed.

However, you may make additional copies of your certificate as needed.

Rick Sheets Outstanding Tutor Award

Do you have an undergraduate student who exemplifies what it means to be a tutor? Nominate them for the Rick Sheets Outstanding Tutor Award!

History of the Award

The Outstanding Tutor Award was established in 1995 by CRLA’s International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) committee, and was renamed the "Rick Sheets Outstanding Tutor Award" in 2016. This award is given annually to one peer tutor from any one of our 1200+ certified tutor training programs. It honors the work of undergraduate student tutors who contribute much to the academic success of their peers and motivate and inspire others through their dedication and passion for their work.

Who are we looking for? We’re looking for the best of the best! Applicants must:

  • Be an undergraduate student at the time of nomination with at least 3.0 GPA,
  • Currently serve as a tutor in a CRLA ITTPC-certified program,
  • Have earned recognition at level 1, 2, or 3 through a CRLA-certified tutor training program,
  • Have a strong history of development and success as a tutor.
    **NOTE: Programs may only submit one nominee for consideration.

What does the Outstanding Tutor receive?

Award recipients will receive:

  • A plaque and $250 honorarium
  • Invitation to CRLA Annual Conference
  • Recognition at the CRLA Annual Conference, including the opportunity for brief remarks at the Awards Brunch
  • Publicized biography on the CRLA website and in CRLA Annual Conference materials
  • Reimbursement of up to $250 of travel expenses to attend CRLA Annual Conference, at winner’s request (not transferable).

How do you nominate a tutor for this award?

Application Process:

To be considered for this award, applications should include:

  • Application form completed by the tutor’s supervisor
  • Attached to the application, you must upload the following:
    • Letter of support from a faculty member who teaches in a subject they tutor, but who is not affiliated with your tutoring center or program
    • A copy of the nominee’s unofficial transcript to verify GPA
    • A copy of the nominee’s highest-level ITTPC certificate of completion
    • A copy of the tutor’s most recent tutor evaluation (dated within a year of nomination).
    • Nominee’s essay (see below for the prompt and requirements)

Student Essay
In addition, the nominee should write an original essay of 500-750 words addressing the following topic:

How has your tutor training helped you connect to and empower students?

This original essay must be double-spaced in Arial or Times New Roman, with the tutor’s full name and nominating university or college name in the header. References, if used, do not count toward the word count limit, but should be cited using either MLA or APA guides. Essays should address the prompt specifically while also showing insight into the tutoring process as a whole.

To submit documentation:

  1. Please upload each document as a separate file in application itself, named with the tutor’s name.

a. File Name Examples:

i. Smith, Josie- Letter
ii. Smith, Josie- Transcript
iii. Smith, Josie- Certificate
iv. Smith, Josie- Evaluation
v. Smith, Josie- Essay

NOTE: To upload files to the application, you will need to sign into a Google account. If you do not already have a Google account, you can make a Google account for free, using your current email address at this link:

NOTE: All applications, including attachments, must be received no later than 11:59 PM on June 30, 2023. Partial or incomplete applications will not be considered. Applicants will be notified by email of receipt of their application packets. Application materials will not be returned.

Once an award recipient has been chosen, all nominees will be notified via email.

Please send an email with the subject line “OTA 2023” to: Cheryl Capuchina, ITTPC Assistant, at


2023 Outstanding Tutor Award Recipient: Ricardo Santana

Ricardo Santana tutors in the Writing Center at Bergen Community College. He tutors numerous courses in the Humanities and Social Sciences, was chosen as one of the inaugural Academic Coaches upon the start of the program, and was instrumental in the Writing Center's assistance in setting up and training peer tutors at local high schools. Ricardo spent last summer interning for the District Attorney's Office of the Bronx, and will be pursuing a career as a lawyer in the public sector.


2022 Outstanding Tutor Award Recipient: Ronja Martine Olsen

Ronja is an international student from Norway and a junior at Hofstra University in New York. She is a double major working towards obtaining a BS in both Physics and Mathematics and is also planning on minoring in Chemistry and Astronomy. Her goal is to obtain a Ph.D. in astrophysics and conduct research in the fields of astrophysics and astrochemistry. She would also like to eventually become a physics or mathematics professor.

Raine Porter

2021 Outstanding Tutor Award Recipient: Raine Porter

Raine is a senior, who transferred from San Diego Mesa Community College to the University of California San Diego. She is working towards obtaining a BS in Chemistry with the goal of becoming a Chemistry professor.


Programs often ask for examples of the certification application, examples of strong programs to use for reference, etc. In an effort to assist, this section of the website includes sample materials.

First, here is a list of the questions that you will be asked on the application: CLICK HERE

Second, here are some sample answers from programs that have given us permission to share:

Note: these materials are the intellectual property of their respective institutions, and are posted with permission granted to CRLA. They may not be copied by any other person, institution, or program.

CRLA members, remember you can also reach out to your CRLA State, Region or Chapter (SRC) and/or Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to connect to other learning center professionals.